IAG Cargo

Great to Be: Campaign Launch

Building an inclusive workplace culture to improve employee engagement, recognition and retention

2020. The year that saw businesses’ operations turned upside down. And it was no different for IAG Cargo.
With the majority of the workforce already on the frontline, IAG Cargo’s people were suddenly propelled into the spotlight as they went above and beyond to keep world trade moving – delivering essential supplies to the people who needed them most.

A critical need for a new approach took flight

Following a drastic increase in the role of air cargo during and following the Covid-19 pandemic, IAG Cargo went through an extensive and rapid period of growth – which is only set to continue.

Despite investing in refreshing the IAG Cargo brand mission, vision and values, employee engagement, pride and loyalty remained low. Organisational Health Index (OHI) results also highlighted a gap in reaching the frontline and there was concern that this fragmented workforce was lacking a cohesive sense of belonging and connection to the IAG Cargo brand.

While diverse by nature – as an international company present across over 80 countries – inclusivity wasn’t felt across its global workforce. This was only exacerbated by some of the workforce contracted by the airlines directly, not the IAG Cargo brand, which presented a further barrier to inclusivity.

There was a critical need for a new approach to engagement, recognition and retention.

But what does building an inclusive workplace culture actually mean for the IAG Cargo brand?

As a business that values its people and understands that by embracing diverse backgrounds the workforce is stronger, happier and more engaged, it had identified that everyone, regardless of who they are or what role they play at IAG Cargo, should feel seen, safe and protected.

IAG Cargo needed help to define an internal comms strategy and long-standing campaign that enabled and equipped their workforce to start having conversations around diversity and inclusion.

‘Great to Be’ was our solution

‘Great to Be’ demonstrates IAG Cargo’s commitment to ensuring it is a place where everyone can all belong.

At campaign launch we brought diversity and inclusion into the everyday conversation. But it needed to go further than this. We aligned the campaign with key calendar events, creating a long-term program that focused on driving awareness of ‘Great to Be’ during celebrations and milestones. Many events were championed by a leadership team sponsor who openly and honestly spoke out about their experiences, encouraging colleagues to join the conversation.

Employees gained access to a new ‘Great Conversations’ chatroom, a place to share stories, ask questions and discuss D&I topics with colleagues.

To help leaders feel comfortable to engage their teams, managers were equipped with support materials, including guides, top tips and other useful resources on their intranet. Round table events were also offered to guide managers on the impact and benefits of having Great Conversations around Diversity & Inclusion.

What was the meaningful difference?

As a diverse global company riding the crest of an extensive and rapid period of growth, together we carefully navigated IAG Cargo’s ambitions to build an inclusive workplace culture. ‘Great to Be’ not only answered the brand’s need for a launchpad to unify its workforce, it encouraged continued conversations around crucial D&I topics.