
Project: Project: Complaints process animation

Empowering consumers and boosting public confidence

Ofcom, the UK communications industry regulator, strives to maintain broadcasting standards and protect the public from offensive and harmful content on TV or radio. However, confusion often surrounds Ofcom’s role, how they operate, and what they can enforce. This lack of clarity may prevent people from reporting such content, putting the public at risk.

Ofcom needed to address the confusion surrounding their role and the complaints process, as well as tackle the lack of awareness and understanding regarding their operations and procedures. A lack of clarity could prevent people from reporting harmful or offensive content, putting the public at risk.

To tackle this issue, we developed a playful animation aimed at boosting public awareness of Ofcom’s complaint-handling process and educating them on how it works. The video was designed to make the topic more engaging and accessible to the public, with the objective of increasing brand awareness of Ofcom’s complaint-handling process and educating them on how it works. Designed for social media platforms, the animation was available in multiple languages, including English, Welsh, Punjabi, and Urdu, to extend its reach to a broader audience. Thanks to its evergreen nature, Ofcom are able to reuse the video whenever there is a surge in complaints or media stories.

What was the meaningful difference?

By creating this video, Ofcom was able to empower consumers to report inappropriate content with confidence. The accessible and engaging nature of the video resulted in over 45k views on Twitter within just the first few weeks, marking a meaningful difference in increasing public awareness of Ofcom’s role and its complaint-handling process.